Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Simplifying My Spiritual Life

After my accident this past September, I've had a lot of time to slow down and reevaluate my life. You can read about my accident here. It didn't take too long to realize I didn't have my priorities straight. It was time to get back on track and put relationships first in my life. You can read about my priorities here.

Bailey Creek, California
In developing my goals for a simpler life I realized I needed a goal for my Spiritual Life (My relationship with God.) Having a relationship with God is an open journey not a marathon. It's not something you do once and then you're done. It is an ongoing process, a daily process. Personally I'm one who is task oriented, likes to do lists and checking tasks off. I've learned changes are needed in this area.

My goal to change this area is:
Establish and implement practices leading to knowing God and other christians by April 1, 2011.

Tasks to include in reaching this goal include:
  • 15 Minutes of Bible reading each day, preferably in the morning—I get easily off track on this one.  
  • Meet weekly with Spiritual Mentor for one hour and review Bible Study through May 2011. 
  • Do Bible study booklet prior to meeting with Mentor.
  • Attend church services every week, unless sick or an emergency occurs.
  • Go to one church sponsored women's activity each month. 
  • Volunteer every eight weeks for childcare during the first church services.
  • Prayer; before Bible reading and study, over worries/concerns/decisions and with family, nightly.
  • Participate in a weekly small groups Bible Study—I normally attend a women's group.
Meeting my spiritual needs is a high priority and a part of a simpler life for me. In meeting those needs I have to ensure I limit my activities and their frequency, avoiding going back to my previous, overwhelmed, busy life.  
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