Thursday, February 17, 2011

Still Snowing

We have approximately 14 inches of snow and it is still snowing. I truly love snow. I think it is beautiful and fun to watch our animals play in it. The snow was so deep our chickens and ducks stayed in their coop today. They couldn't walk through the piled up, white, powdery stuff.

View out my back door. 
Playful, Max. 
Snow laden Cherry Tree.
As I'm sitting here next to the fire, writing this post the lights are flickering on and off. I'm sure the power lines, as well as tree branches are heavy with snow. In preparation for power outages, we have two more cords of wood, along with scrap wood, enough food to last a month and a half and all the laundry is caught up. We have all the the supplies we need. I can feel my survivalist attitude kicking in.

Snowy Peach trees. Near fallen lawn chair, the lump of snow is actually wood. 
My poor lilac bush. 
In my mind I'm planning for the worst. (It's kind of fun to think survival. The "I can do it" mentality) If the electric goes out we can put our food outside to stay cold. (Except we have skunks and raccoons which visit frequently; Maybe scratch that idea.) Hey, maybe if the electric goes out, the food in the refrigerator will go bad and I will finally lose some weight. Or I can feed the neighbors, before the food goes bad and let them get fat.

My other lilac bush. 

Since the worst hasn't happened, I will continue to plan, as I sit next to my fire, enjoying my husband's company and maybe a cup of hot chocolate. Have a great evening everyone and stay warm.
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